Nervecentre V7.2 Help for Users
What's new in this Help
Our Help is a work in progress. This article summarises new and changed information in each version of Nervecentre Help.
Nervecentre V7.2
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
Added help for adult sepsis screening. | sepsis-screening-tophub.htm |
Added help for fluid balance. | fluid-balance-tophub.htm |
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
You can now administer STAT and regular medications as part of a drug round. |
Added overview of pharmacy reporting |
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
You can now assign sample collections to bank staff. | Managing and transferring sample collections |
You can now choose to print to the default printer for your area rather than naming a printer. This means you don't need to know the name of the printer for the current area, Nervecentre finds the right printer automatically. This is not restricted to Investigations, but the information is currently only held in help for Investigations. |
Printing order forms and labels |
Nervecentre V7.1
Updates to our core user guide are pending, this help links to the core user guide for Nervecentre V7.0 temporarily.
General changes
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
Ward pages is now called Clinical pages to reflect the change in Nervecentre. |
Throughout user help |
Added care plans to help for users |
Added the business continuity application to help for users |
Admissions, discharges, and transfers
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
Nervecentre has a new workflow for completing the discharge summary form. |
Creating and sending discharge summaries and letters |
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
Nervecentre now includes prescribing for paediatric patients. | Throughout EPMA |
Dose sentence prescriptions can now give you the option to choose which algorithm to use when adjusting a dose for weight. This is not available in order sets. |
When prescribing, you might see relevant results from investigations. This depends on your organisation. |
You can now print out a self-administration chart to allow patients to track their own medications. |
You can now prescribe fluids using dose sentences. |
Fluids now appear on the MAR in the same manner as continuous infusions. |
Continuous infusions now remain on the MAR for 48 hours after being stopped. |
You can now add a custom start time to a prescription. |
Added prescribing sequential fluids with a dose sentence. |
Saving a draft prescription has changed. There is now a dedicated button available at the end of the prescribing process. |
You can no longer prescribe investigations as part of an order set. |
N/A |
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
When placing an order, you must now confirm that you have read any infection risk information. | Placing orders |
All Investigations now includes new search filters, including Range, Specimen Type, and Priority. | Viewing and filtering investigations on All Investigations |
General improvements and filling in gaps | Throughout Investigations |
Nervecentre V7.0
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
We've updated our core user guide. It now covers Nervecentre V7.0 and includes instructions for using Nervecentre for mobile on Android devices. | Download the PDF here |
What's new? |
Where can I find that? |
We've added full online help for Nervecentre Investigations |
You can now print articles. From the top of any article, select to expand all the text, then select to print. Or you can expand individual sections and just print those. |
Any article |
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