Creating a self-administration chart for a patient

You can create a printable self-administration chart for patients from the medications on the MAR Medicines Administration Record, also called drug chart: a list of all medications prescribed and administered.. Patients can use the chart in hospital or at home. Each chart runs for 14 days.

Creating a self-administration chart for a patient on a mobile

You can't do this on a mobile.

Creating a self-administration chart for a patient on a desktop
  1. From > Clinical pages > Patient List, select a patient.

  2. From Patient detail, select Meds.

  3. Select from the top-right of the page.

    The clipboard opens on the right.

  4. From the MAR, find the medications you want to add to the self-administration chart. For each medication, select next to the medication name.

    The medication appears on the clipboard.

  5. When you have finished adding medications, close the clipboard.

  6. Select .

  7. Select Self Administration MAR Chart From Clipboard.

  8. Download or print the self-administration chart.