Answering tasks and alerts for sepsis screening

When Nervecentre identifies an observation as a red flag for sepsis, it sends a notification to the nurse whose patient list includes the patient. Depending on the nurse's response, other tasks might be sent to other clinicians.

Nervecentre's sepsis screening workflow is designed to work with your mobile device. You can manage sepsis screening tasks on a mobile, and you receive instant updates about potentially life threatening conditions.

You might also be able to manage some activities on a desktop, depending on your permissions. You won't get notifications or alerts on a desktop.

Read the overview of the full sepsis screening workflow

Answering tasks and alerts for sepsis screening on a mobile
Answering tasks and alerts for sepsis screening on a desktop

Depending on your permissions, you can view and answer some tasks and alerts on a desktop. For sepsis screening, you can answer the tasks High Risk Red Sepsis - Doctor Alert and High Risk Red Sepsis - Nurse Alert.

You don't receive tasks as a pop up or notification on a desktop. View and answer tasks from the task summary shown on Patient detail > Clinical.

You can set the clinical note 'Sepsis screening' to Treatment completed on a desktop.