Nervecentre V7.2 Help for Users
Answering tasks and alerts for sepsis screening
When Nervecentre identifies an observation as a red flag for sepsis, it sends a notification to the nurse whose patient list includes the patient. Depending on the nurse's response, other tasks might be sent to other clinicians.
Nervecentre's sepsis screening workflow is designed to work with your mobile device. You can manage sepsis screening tasks on a mobile, and you receive instant updates about potentially life threatening conditions.
You might also be able to manage some activities on a desktop, depending on your permissions. You won't get notifications or alerts on a desktop.

In Nervecentre, a task is a job allocated to one or more staff members. Staff members receive a notification of the task on their mobile. They can accept or refuse the task.
Read the overview of the full sepsis screening workflow
Answering tasks and alerts for sepsis screening on a mobile

When you first receive a task or alert, you can accept or refuse the task, or acknowledge the notification.
To accept the task, select Accept.
When you accept a task, the task is removed from the mobile of any other user that received the same task.
To refuse the task, select Decline.
If everyone that received the task refuses the task, the Nurse in Charge receives a notification and the task is re-sent to all relevant users.
To acknowledge a notification, select Acknowledged.
Open tasks remain on your task list.

Select Tasks.
In Nervecentre for IOS, Tasks appears in the footer.
In Nervecentre for Android, select > Tasks.
Select a task.

This notification is sent to the mobile device of the nurse whose patient list includes the patient.
Select one of the options:
If you believe that the patient has an infection, and you know the source of the infection, select Likely infection - source known.
Nervecentre sends:
If you believe that the patient has an infection, but you don’t know the source of the infection, select Likely infection - source unknown.
Nervecentre sends:
The task ‘High Risk Red Sepsis - Doctor Alert’ to appropriate doctors.
The task ‘High Risk Red Sepsis - Nurse Alert’ to you and any other nurses that have the patient on their patient list.
The notification ‘High Risk Red Sepsis - NIC Alert’ to the nurse in charge.
If the patient does not have an infection, select No. Alternative Diagnosis.
Nervecentre does not create any further tasks or notifications.
Sepsis re-screening is scheduled in 6 hours.

This task is created for the doctor when the 'THINK could this be Sepsis?' task is answered with either of the likely infection options.
This task is sent the mobile device of all doctors or junior doctors with the patient active on their patient list. When one doctor accepts the task, the task is removed from all other users mobiles.
Select a progress option to progress the task.
If sepsis is probable after your clinical examination, select Sepsis Likely, Rx commenced.
Nervecentre updates the 'Sepsis screening' clinical note to Sepsis treatment commenced.
A red patient tag appears in the patient banner.
Nervecentre schedules re-screening for sepsis in 24 hours.
The task closes.
If you have started your assessment but have not made a formal decision on sepsis, select Assessment pending to apply a time-stamp to the task.
Nervecentre schedules re-screening for sepsis in 24 hours.
The task remains open, you can access the task from your task list.
If the patient does not have sepsis, select Not Sepsis, Alt. Diagnosis.
Sends a notification to the Nurse in Charge informing them of no sepsis.
Updates the clinical note ‘Sepsis screening’ to show Sepsis unlikely.
Schedules re-screening for sepsis in 6 hours.
When treatment is complete, set the 'Sepsis screening' clinical note to Treatment completed.

This task is created for the nurse when the 'THINK could this be Sepsis?' task is answered with either of the likely infection options.
This task is sent the mobile device of all nurses with the patient active on their patient list. When one nurse accepts the task, the task is removed from all other users mobiles.
Select a progress option to progress the task.
If you've started your assessment but haven't finished your actions, you can select Started to apply a time-stamp to the task.
When you finish your sepsis actions, select Complete.

This notification is created for the Nurse in Charge when the 'THINK could this be Sepsis?' task is answered with either of the likely infection options.
This is a notification with no follow-on activities.
Select Acknowledged.

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Answering tasks and alerts for sepsis screening on a desktop
Depending on your permissions, you can view and answer some tasks and alerts on a desktop. For sepsis screening, you can answer the tasks High Risk Red Sepsis - Doctor Alert and High Risk Red Sepsis - Nurse Alert.
You don't receive tasks as a pop up or notification on a desktop. View and answer tasks from the task summary shown on Patient detail > Clinical.
You can set the clinical note 'Sepsis screening' to Treatment completed on a desktop.

Select > Clinical pages > Patient List > select a patient > Patient detail.
From Clinical, find Tasks.
By default, Tasks shows all tasks.
To change or filter your view, select ▼ next to All Tasks and select an option.
Find the task.
To see more details, select next to the task name.
To accept the task, select ▼ next to the task name, then select Assign to me.

Select > Clinical pages > Patient List > select a patient > Patient detail.
From Clinical, find Tasks.
Find the task.
Select ▼ next to the task name.
Select an option:
If sepsis is probable after your clinical examination, select Sepsis Likely, Rx commenced.
Nervecentre updates the 'Sepsis screening' clinical note to Sepsis treatment commenced.
A red patient tag appears in the patient banner.
Nervecentre schedules re-screening for sepsis in 24 hours.
The task closes.
If you have started your assessment but have not made a formal decision on sepsis, select Assessment pending to apply a time-stamp to the task.
Nervecentre schedules re-screening for sepsis in 24 hours.
The task remains open, you can access the task from your task list.
If the patient does not have sepsis, select Not Sepsis, Alt. Diagnosis.
Sends a notification to the Nurse in Charge informing them of no sepsis.
Updates the clinical note ‘Sepsis screening’ to show Sepsis unlikely.
Schedules re-screening for sepsis in 6 hours.
When treatment is complete, set the 'Sepsis screening' clinical note to Treatment completed.

Select > Clinical pages > Patient List > select a patient > Patient detail.
From Clinical, find Tasks.
Find the task.
Select ▼ next to the task name.
Select an option:
If you've started your assessment but haven't finished your actions, you can select Started to apply a time-stamp to the task.
When you finish your sepsis actions, select Complete.

Select > Clinical pages > Patient List > select a patient > Patient detail.
From Clinical, find the summary of clinical notes.
Select ▼ and select an appropriate clinical notes profile.
Select Sepsis screening.
Select Treatment completed.
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