Nervecentre V7.2 Help for Users
Pharmacy TTO actions
You can view additional information about arrival medications and dispensed orders in pharmacy pages and case notes. This is to assist pharmacy staff with dispensing discharge medications.
Pharmacy TTO actions are desktop only. You cannot do them on a mobile.
To access pharmacy TTO pages, select > Pharmacy Pages.
Select TTO list.
- Select a patient from the list on the left.
- Select anywhere in the TTO Inpatient table.
A TTO table appears with information useful for dispensing TTOs.
Recorded quantity of arrival medications, and when it was recorded.
When an ordered medication was last dispensed.
To access pharmacy TTO pages, select > Pharmacy Pages.
Select TTO list from the menu.
The TTO list page defaults to your selected patient list.
Check Show All to view all TTOs.
Select to search for a specific patient.
To view a different ward list, select your current ward, and then search and select from available lists.
To return to the last list you viewed, mouseover your current list. Your previous list appears, select to view.
The default view only shows a limited amount of the menu. Drag the partition to show all the fields.
You can sort TTOs by selecting any field in the menu.
TTO status is seen in the State column. TTO statuses are colour coded with a RAG rating A red/amber/green ‘traffic light’ rating system. It can denote progress with various milestones.
To see TTOs for a patient, select any cell in the table. The patient’s medical discharge summary appears on the right of the screen. TTOs are in the medical discharge summary.
Select to return to the patient’s MAR Medicines Administration Record, also called drug chart: a list of all medications prescribed and administered..
To view case note history in the pharmacy pages, select > Pharmacy Pages.
Select TTO list > select > Show history.
To view current medications and TTOs in the medical discharge summary, select anywhere in TTO Inpatient.
Discontinued, stopped, and paused arrival medications appear in the table below TTO.
From Inpatient TTO, double-click in a cell to edit data, including supply or dispense quantity.
Select anywhere outside Inpatient TTO to return to the previous screen.
To progress the TTO, select an option from the bottom of the medical discharge summary. You will only see the options relevant to your role, decided by your trust.
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