Nervecentre V7.2 Help for Users
Pharmacy review of current medications
Pharmacists can review the list of current medications on the MAR Medicines Administration Record, also called drug chart: a list of all medications prescribed and administered. and mark the MAR as reviewed by a pharmacist.
Pharmacists can only review the MAR on a desktop. You can't mark the MAR as reviewed on a mobile.
The MAR only shows dosing information for the next 21 days. If a medication listed on the MAR has a start date greater than 21 days in the future, you can't review the dosing cell information until closer to the start date.
To record that a MAR Medicines Administration Record, also called drug chart: a list of all medications prescribed and administered. has been reviewed by pharmacy, select > Current.
Select Pharmacy reviewed drug chart.
You can enter notes as free text.
You can view any notes that pharmacists added when they reviewed the MAR, along with the date and time of review.
To view pharmacy MAR review notes, select > Current.
Select View History.
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